E.Tuvshinchuluun /ERC/-Energy regulation-20

B.Erun-Ulzii /Ministry of Energy/-Development policy and perspectives of energy sector

Kh.Bold-Erdene /NDC/-Dispatch regulation and planning

B.Namkhainyam /University of Science and Technology/-ST-Estimation and evaluation of energy saving potentials and the environmental impacts

Nishant Bhardwaj /GGGI/-Energy transition-Green hydrogen

Dunja Hoffman /GIZ/-Cooperation of the GIZ in Energy Sector of Mongolia, achieved outputs, impacts of energy efficiency projects implemented in Mongolia

Richard Schlirf /WB/-International experiences in energy regulation, development trends and issues to be considered

Ts.Sukhbaatar/CE/-Experiences, achievements and issues to be considered in introduction of renewable energy sources in the energy sector of Mongolia

U.Tumurkhuyag /PP-4/-Power generation – Regulatory impact

B.Batjargal /DSEDN/-Regulatory results, progress and achievements in the electricity distribution network